A cold cold day

A cold cold day

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Jose- my second blog


My Car, is in my opinion the best car in the world. It has some special features, tons of action figures, and he has magical powers!!! I know, I know, most cars are she's, like Betty, Sue Ellen, Lady Jane. My Car is definitely a he, and he's gay. He is Fabulous, and self aware! He isn't afraid to stand out in a crowd, and I love him!!

Jose, that's my cars name, is a 2000 sand mecca Protégé, and he has gotten me through so many situations that I probably shouldn't have gotten out of alive!! Crazy snowstorms, torrential downpours, fog, you name it, Jose has gotten me through it alive!!

You may be wondering where his name came from, well, I'll tell you. There is this Mexican restaurant on the Danforth (I know, in the heart of Greek town, I go to a Mexican restaurant!) and there was the best waiter in the world working there. His name is Jose. He always has a smile, remembers everyone's names and drinks, and he has sass! I thought what better way to pay tribute to him then to name my car after him! Now that you have some history about my car, I'll get into what prompted this blog.

Last week, I was visiting my friend in her downtown condo, as I was leaving, I went to Jose, and as I was getting in, I noticed the Ferrari, parked two spots over. It was fire engine red, and in true car standards, beautiful. But I didn't care. My car may have a few dents, it may have a spare tire right now, and there may be a few scratches, but my car can do something that a Ferrari can't do, and that is turn invisible. Yes, I know that sounds bizarre, but ask all the other cars on the road, Jose can magically turn invisible! It's amazing!!! I'll be driving along the road, and suddenly cars are cutting my off, trying to pull into the lane right where I am, they make left hand turns, even though I am driving through the intersection, and they come right up behind me as though they believe they can drive right through my car!!

The problem with the ability that my car has is that it seems to turn it on and off, and I can't control it. The more I try to figure it out, the more I seem to stay invisible!! I have noticed that around full moons, the power seems to be stronger, and it is weather affected, like when it rains, it happens, or when it snows it definitely happens!

I believe that this power is a gift that I have to protect and take care of. You never know when I will be called into action. I kind of envision myself as a modern day Wonder Woman. Granted her invisible transportation could fly, but who's to say my car won't develop that power over time? So, until then, I am content, and privileged, to drive Jose!

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